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Mac OS X 10.4.4 Restore Disc (Intel IMac)

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Mac OS X 10.4.4 Restore Disc (Intel IMac)

says '...10.4(.0), (April 29, 2005), 10.4.3 (October 31, 2005), 10.4.6 (April 3, 2006) were all retail releases that did not say Upgrade, Dropin, or OEM. Though Intel Macs which started shipping with 10.4.4, can't take any of those retail discs, and must use the installer disc that shipped with them...'

It just shows the folder and question mark after it's done reading the disc. If I hold ALT as the imac starts to select the disc, it's just a white screen. Could I run it in bootcamp or some software like that Can I just buy any grey colored intel imac Tiger disc and use it

Mac OS X 10.1 "Puma": The retail Puma package has two CDs; the main OS installer is still a single CD, but there's a second CD labeled "Tools" that has some extra fonts, utilities and a few dev goodies that are all completely optional. You got a LOT more when you bought a brand-new Mac that shipped with Puma - eleven CDs, which included Puma, Mac OS 9.2.2, a Hardware Test CD, an Applications disc, and a 6-CD set holding a system-restore image. Most folk who bought Puma as a retail/upgrade would install the tools too, so 648MB + 341 MB = 989 MB

3) System Specific disc models, had discs that are specific to the model and vintage of that model that can be used to install the operating system. Unfortunately these Macs do not work with system restore, unless a firmware was installed first.AppleCare may have these discs, or you might be forced to keep a clone of the original system or later system if you have to wipe or replace the drive connected to that Mac.

I frequently hear apocryphal stories about Macs booting much faster than Windows boxes. There's a great set of Mac boot time benchmarks on the Silver Mac site that provide solid empirical data to back up those claims:Intel iMacG5 iMacG5 iMacMac Mini10.4.410.4.410.4.510.4.5Mac sound4. logo6.715.615.210.2Mac OS X31.934.434.922.8Ready to use37.940.841.625.8To be clear, the standard convention for "boot time" is the time from initial power on to the time we can finally interact with the desktop. The Silver Mac benchmarks are admirably thorough, as they break out important milestones during boot: the first boot sound, the appearance of the Apple logo on the screen, the OS X loading screen, and finally the ability to interact with the desktop. The intermediate milestones help us see where the real bottlenecks are in the boot process.For perspective, a 1986 Mac Plus boots to the desktop in eleven seconds. The modern PC it is compared to clocks in at just over a minute of boot time. It's not even remotely a fair comparison for a whole host of reasons, but it's a fun data point nonetheless. How long does it take for your car to boot Your MP3 player Your television Your cell phoneFor typical PC boot times, I turn to Ed Bott's excellent blog.2006 vintagePC Desktop2005 vintagePC Laptop2004 vintagePC DesktopWindows XP1:011:470:58Windows Vista1:121:201:14Ubuntu Linux 6.101:49Wow, PC boot times really do suck, right Well, maybe. It depends on the PC.The "Ultimate Developer Rig" I built for Scott Hanselman boots to a clean install of Vista x64 in 22 seconds. According to Scott, 10 seconds of that is attributable to the BIOS, and the other 12 is the operating system loading from disk. It's sobering to consider that almost half of the system's total boot time is spent in the third-party motherboard BIOS-- something Microsoft has no control over.Now, these kinds of speedy PC boot times are only attainable if you have a clean install of the operating system. A clean install is de rigueur for Apple, because they're a single-source vendor. They have the luxury of complete control over the way their operating system is shipped-- not to mention the system BIOS itself. Every Apple box should boot consistently quickly as a matter of course. It'd be a crushing disappointment if they didn't.On a Windows box, however, you almost never get a clean install. You typica


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