Watch Click (2006)
In "Being There," the hero Chance has spent all of his life watching television. When he wanders out to freedom and is threatened on the street, he clicks a TV remote control to get another channel. In "Click," Sandler plays Michael, an architect who is given a universal remote that's truly Universal. With it, he can take control of his life: freeze a scene, fast-forward, reverse, mute the sound, select the chapters of his choice and even witness his parents at the moment of his conception (that's, of course, in the "Making of" documentary).
Watch Click (2006)
The movie is being sold as a comedy, but you know what? This isn't funny. Yes, there are some laughs, as when he finds he can turn the dog's barking up and down, or play around with the settings for hue and contrast, or when he discovers the picture-in-picture feature that allows him to watch the ballgame no matter what else is going on around him. But the movie essentially involves a workaholic who uses the universal remote to skip over all the bad stuff in his life and discovers in the process that he is missing life itself. Take away the gimmick of the universal remote, and this is what a lot of us do, and it's sad.
Browsing the Netflix catalog can be a frustrating experience. It's hard to knowwhat's good and it's easy to waste a lot of time trying to find something to watch. Flixboss solvesthis by providing a better way to discover and browse the complete list of movies and seriesavailable on Netflix the U.S.. In short: it's an improved search engine for Netflix. Flixboss is not affiliated with Netflix.
I'm an old, miserable fart set in his ways. Some of the things that bring a smile to my face are (in no particular order): Teenage back acne, the rain on my face, long walks on the beach and redneck women named Francis. Oh yeah, I like to watch and criticize movies.
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Click is what I would call a legendary movie. It has a fantastic message, making it a mixture of funny and tragic at the same time. Tragic, because it reflects our lives and our world in such a beautiful way. Funny, because it is Adam Sandler. And inspiring, because it might help steer our lives in a better direction after watching it.
12/21/07: Joggers terrorized by Alaska wolf pack (By Cat Urbigkit, Pinedale Online!) A pack of wolves recently terrorized a group of three women joggers and their dogs the Eagle River area in Alaska. The group was more than a mile from their vehicle and were absolutely terrified by the encounter, with the wolves circling and coming closer, chasing the group down the trail and attacking one of the dogs. One of the women repeatedly used pepper spray on the seven-member wolf pack. The Anchorage Daily News has an article, along with a link to a video interview shot by KTVA about the wolf encounter which is well worth watching.....(Click on the link above for the complete article)
12/7/07: Bold wolves harrass Alaska village (By Cat Urbigkit, Pinedale Online!) Bold wolves have begun altering human behavior in an Alaska village. Last week the after-school skiing program was cancelled because of safety concerns due to the wolf presence in the area. Additional adult supervision is now in place for recess on the playground, andthe note sent home to parents advises parents to escort children to their schoolbus stops and to stay with them until they are safely on the bus. Wolves havecome into yards and killed dogs, and show no fear of humans. Now state wildlifeofficials have organized a community meeting to discuss the situation with residentsof Two Rivers..... (click on the link above for the complete article)
12/5/07: Escaped captive wolf killed (By Cat Urbigkit, Pinedale Online!) The 180-pound escaped captive wolf roaming around southwestern Idaho killing livestock has been killed by state game officials. According to an Associated Press article, although Idaho Fish and Game officialshad hoped to tranquilize the wolf and capture it, it was shot after being foundwith an injured leg.... (click on the link above for the complete article)
12/2/07: Sheriff told to hold fire on domestic wolf (By Cat Urbigkit, Pinedale Online!) The Associated Press reports that an Idaho sheriff has been told to "hold fire" on an escaped captive wolf, for fear that a wild wolf could be mistakenly killed. The AP article by John Miller quotes Owyhee County Sheriff Gary Aman's frustrationabout the situation, since the escaped wolf has been killing livestock and iswhat he called "a very, very aggressive, vicicous animal... (click onthe link above for the complete article)
12/2/07: Another word on wolf compensation (By Cat Urbigkit, Pinedale Online!) The story of the attack on Stevie's mule was detailed here a few days ago. Although USDA Wildlife Services personnel confirmed that the damage to the mule was caused by a wolf or wolves, a full year after the event, Defenders of Wildlife sent Stevie a letter denying his claim. Defenders was never on the scene, never saw the mule, yet it claims its own experts determined that the damages were consistent with what could have been caused by a barbed-wire fence. This, even though Wildlife Services experts had already examined the ACTUAL ANIMAL and found it had been attacked by a wolf or wolves. So what's up with this?.... (click on the link above for the complete article)
11/20/07: Idaho releases draft wolf plan (By Cat Urbigkit, Pinedale Online!) The Idaho Department of Fish and Game has developed a draft wolf population management plan that includes provisions for hunting wolves - in anticipation of wolves in Idaho being removed from the endangered species list. Fish and Game is seeking public review and comments on the draft Idaho Wolf PopulationManagement Plan, which would guide post-delisting wolf monitoring, management. ... (click on the link above for the complete article)
11/19/07: Canada wolf in Idaho, Idaho wolf in Wyoming (By Cat Urbigkit, Pinedale Online!) The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reports that a wolf collared in Alberta, Canada, is now located in Idaho. The collar records the wolf's movements, but was scheduled for release at the end of October. It stayed on the wolf in Idaho for at least another week, but all indications are that the collar has now dropped off the wolf and is on the ground in Idaho, awaiting retrieval.FWS also confirmed that another Idaho wolf has taken up residence in YellowstoneNational Park, proving connectivity between the wolf populations. ... (click on the link above for the complete article)
11/19/07: Wolves at Hoback Junction (By Cat Urbigkit, Pinedale Online!) According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, last week wolf project leader Mike Jimenez met with a ranch/outfitting family whose private land is near a state elk feedground that has been seeing 3-4 wolves repeatedly near Hoback Junction. "The wolves seem a little bold and interested in their dogs, so rubber bullettraining and munitions were provided," FWS reported..... (click on the link above for the complete article)
11/19/07: Eastern coyotes linked to wolves (By Cat Urbigkit, Pinedale Online!) New research on tissue samples taken from 75 Massachusetts coyotes has found that all contained varying degrees of the genes of a wolf species found in southeastern Canada and the genes of the western coyote, according to a press account written by Stan Freeman. One of the primary researchers now suggests that the Massachusetts coyote beclassified as a new species.... (clickon the link above for the complete article)
11/18/07: WYG&F approves wolf plan (By Wyoming Game & Fish) The Wyoming Game and Fish Commission adopted a new wolf management plan for Wyoming. Wyoming Game and Fish Department Director Terry Cleveland said he hopes this plan will be accepted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and lead to the removal of wolves from the Endangered Species Act in the northern Rocky Mountains in 2008.... (click on the link above for this story)
11/12/07: "Wolves in Russia" book released (By Cat Urbigkit, Pinedale Online!) "Wolves in Russia: Anxiety Through the Ages" is written by Will Graves and edited by Dr. Valerius Geist, Ph.D. Here's what Gary Marbut, president of the Montana Shooting Sports Association, had to say: "Wolves in Russia unmasks the Disneyesque viewof wolves propagandized in the U.S. Wolves is a stunning, fact-laden account of pandemic and devastating loss of livestock, game animals and human beings from wolf predation.Any open-minded person who reads this book will grasp that wolves are a severethreat to our way of life in Montana, and to the people who live here. It isimpossible to deny the centuries of recorded wolf predation impact documentedin Wolves in Russia. A Russian proverb from the book: "Wolves are not killedbecause they are gray, but because they eat sheep.".... (click on thelink above for this story) 041b061a72